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Bitlanders Tips| How to Make Money 10$ online for free

Today our topic is that how to make money online for free with Bitlanders and we give you Bitlanders tips to make 10$ daily with it. Now what is Bitlanders and how to make money online for free with it? First we you some intro of it and then we'll tell about the bitlander tips to make 10$ with it easily.
It is a social network like Facebook and Twitter but unlike these social networks which earn billion of dollars daily but nothing pay to it's users, Bitlanders gives the good amount to it's user. you can join it by clicking the signup button OR also through Facebook or Google+ account.
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How to make money online for free with Bitlanders:

We earn money on it by getting buzz on our posts, doing buzz on the posts of others, getting the subs, commenting the posts of others and also subscribing back. The ''BUZZ'' in bitlanders is same as ''LIKE'' on Facebook and your earning depends upon your buzz scores.The value of buzz score remains between 1 to 100. Remember buzz score is average score which is given on the basis of your activities on bitlanders daily. So for getting money get the buzzes on your posts and keep buzzing the others.

Bitlanders Tips to make 10$ daily: 

There are following tips to get the 10$ daily with it

Step#1  Write the daily 15 micro blogs on daily basis.It's not a tough work just write something like ''helo'' and  ''good after noon'' etc or you can write quotes by copying any site like BINARY QUOTES  and past on it

Step#2  Upload 10 images daily

Step#3  Subscribe the 100 to 200 people dailyThe reason is that when you subscribe the 200 people daily then from these 200 people at least 100 people  must subscribe you back and in this way your buzz score will be increase. It's very easy to subscribe the number of people daily. Go to any  user home page and click on his subscribers then a list of his subscribers would be open and now press the ''CLTR'' button from your key board and click the on the names then the new tabs of users would be opened and the subscribe them easily.It's very important to have number of subscribers bacause in this way you could get the number of buzzes from these subscribers daily. You have to not do the same on all time on bitlanders but Once you'll have gotten the number of subscribers you'd not need to do it.

 Step#4  Upload the 2 videos daily of 5 minutes maximum time.

 Step#5  Write the 5 blogs daily.You have to no write the lengthy blogs just write the two lines or more Or you can also Upload any image instead of writing something So it's very easy to write the blogs

 Step#6   Keep buzzing the people in you home and also write the comments on their posts if possible.You'd better to proceed with the all posts in your home and also buzz the maximum posts in them.It's very important thing to gain the good buzz score. Bitlanders mark it good.

 Step#7  Do not write some thing like ''BUZZ ME'' and also do not buzz on these types of posts because bitlandrs consider it spam and also deduct you buzz score  

 Step#8  Try to be online 3 to 4 time in a day if possible because it would show the best activity to bitlanders. BY doing  your other work online open it  and then minimize it.
These are some Bitlanders tips through which you can earn 10$+ daily with it.It takes some time to get the high buzz score and to earn 10$ dollars daily i do not say that by following these you can earn at sudden but If you follow these instructions then you could able to earn 10$ within a month.Join it and work on it with patience

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31 May 2015 at 22:34 ×

Salam bro please contect me my facebook site
yar ap sy bitlanders ka bra ma kuch pouchna tha

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...