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Unblock Youtube in Pakistan Without any Proxy and Software

Unblock Youtube in Pakistan Without any Proxy and Software

Unblock youtube in Pakistan without any proxy and software is a top method to use it at it's actual speed.As the youtube is banned in Pakistan and no longer been running there. Many of people use proxy server, proxy and many others setups for this purpose.But these methods do not work precisely and it could not run as it on real condition.By using these methods computer gone hard and also the internet speed get down.I used the zenmate extention in chrom but it was all in vain iause it could not run the youtube at it's actula speed and also it did slow the system

Now it's not longer been a problem for us; we come with one of the top unblock youtube methods with which you could use it at it's appropriate condition and also this method would not hard you computer and internet speed.

How to Unblock Youtube With a Top method :

The method consists of several steps through ich you 'll be able to unblock it
  • Go to you computer's control panel and click on ''Network and Sharing Center'' as shown below
  • Then select the option of ''set up  a new connection and network''


  • A tab would be appear and then select ''connect to work place''

  • After that click on ''Use my Internet Connection (VPN)''

  • Then provide with the following VPN information 
vpn server        : us.mybestvpn.com
vpn username   : mybestvpn
vpn password   : freevpn
vpn protocol     : PPTP VPN

now past the us.mybestvpn.com in ''internet address'' option and click on next

  • Now provide with username and password as shown below and click on create 


  • Finally click on connect now and it would probably will take 10 to 15 seconds to check the process 
  • In last step open any website on your default browser then it redirects to the page and just click on ''I Agree'' Now you are ready to use your connection 
Now you are ready to use the youtube in Pakistan. Just open the youtube and start with it.It's absolutely a best and one of the top method to unblock youtube and you can use the same method to use the unblock websites in pakistan and also can change your ip address to us IP address 

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3 August 2015 at 15:08 ×

No more live link in this comments field

13 October 2015 at 13:24 ×

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